People Leave Managers Not Organisations!
For most organisations, the rise to supervisory position is a reward for superior functional expertise or star performance as an independent contributor and not due to training or for their leadership potential.
A supervisor or manager sets the tone and is the major influence on the employee in the work environment. As the supervisor pervades every aspect of the employee’s work life, the quality of this relationship dictates the level of discretionary effort and the degree of loyalty employees give to the organization.
Overlooking the impact, a supervisor or manager has on both culture and people will come back to haunt us. Professionals who have excelled in management & leadership functions have mastered the People & Business Acumen competencies.
This hands-on skills development workshop will expose participants to brilliant fresh ideas, foolproof proven strategies, & tools they need to excel.
Workshop Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Target Audience
Head of Departments, Team Leaders, Supervisors, New Managers, Branch Managers, Plant & Production Managers, Frontline Managers, Call Centre Supervisors, Emerging Leaders, Office Managers & Administrators, Project Leaders and seasoned managers who want to refresh their supervisory skills across all industries.
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